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AP Computer Science Principles


The proposed syllabus is for a two-semester course.  The course meets for three 50 minute periods per week and one 85 minute period per week.  This course seeks to provide students with a “future proof” foundation in computing principles so that they are adequately prepared with both the knowledge and skills to live and meaningfully participate in our increasingly digital society, economy, and culture.


  • Understand and apply the main principles of object-oriented software design and programming:

  • Learn to code fluently in Java in a well-structured fashion and in good style; learn to pay attention to code clarity and documentation

  • Learn to use Java library packages and classes within the scope of the AP Java subset

  • Understand the concept of an algorithm; implement algorithms in Java using conditional and iterative control structures and recursion

  • Learn to algorithms and data structures to solve a given problem

  • Compare efficiency of alternative solutions to a given problem

  • Learn common searching and sorting algorithms: Sequential Search and Binary Search; Selection Sort, Insertion Sort, and Mergesort

  • Understand one- and two-dimensional arrays, the interface, and the class, and use them appropriately in programming projects

  • Acquire skills in designing object-oriented software solutions to problems from various application areas

  • Discuss ethical and social issues related to the use of computers

  • Prepare for the AP Computer Science Principles exam; meet all of the curricular requirements defined by the College Board for this course.

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